Tick, Tock…

Your alarm goes off, you jump out of bed, put a pot of coffee on, take a few moments to yourself (if you’re lucky), wake the children up, make lunches, get everyone ready for work and school, and make your to-do list for the day. Then you’re off to the office for another hectic day of meetings, phone calls and trying to cross off that to-do list.

Sound familiar?

Most of us hit the ground running and don’t stop until our heads hit the pillow at night. Between home and work priorities, it is sometimes hard to, well, prioritize. Do you make several to-do lists and then make to-do lists to find where those to-do lists are? Then when you finally get them all together, you want to pull your hair out because you have no idea where to start?

If so, try this simple approach:

  • Divide your to-do list into sections. The top left is URGENT (for things that must get done right away). Top right is PRIORITY (things that are important but can wait). Bottom left is for phone calls to make. Any additional NOTES go on the bottom right.
  • Use a black marker for headlines, a pen for tasks and a highlighter to cross things off. (Using the highlighter, you can see it’s done but can still read it in case you need to refer back to it later.)

“Blog post” ….CHECK! Now off to the next item on my to-do list 🙂 Good luck to you and yours!

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